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Thursday, October 31, 2002 ( 7:15 PM ) Rebecca Thank you so-sad-Sour Bob for the Breakup Babe graphic! And thanks to Super-Brother-In-Law (I'll link to his Web site here) for hosting it! You boys rock. | # E-mail Breakup Babe ( 7:42 AM ) Rebecca OK, so Memphis Boy is nice and all, but unless he starts putting out, he’s history! I mean, come on, last night I spent my evening sipping green tea, watching a video called “The Scenic Splendors of the Pacific Northwest,” and holding hands. Until midnight. When I have to be at f***ing work at the crack of dawn. Well, 9 a.m. But still. It’s not like we’re an old married couple. It’s not even like it’s our first date, where such a thing might be exciting. It’s our fourth f***ing date, OK! When I couldn’t lie around anymore waiting for him to throw himself at me, I left, and was rewarded for my patience with the most chaste kiss on the lips I have received since D.W. gave me my first “kiss” in the bathhouse at Venture Valley camp when I was fifteen. In other words, not really a kiss. And now I'm sleep deprived. For that. And don’t tell me I can throw myself at him because I’ve tried that (naturally). On Sunday night, we watched a movie while getting quite cozy on my red Couch o’ Love. There was hand-holding, arm putting around-ing, hair playing with, meaningful looks, adoring comments about my beauty, etc. Finally, when he was about to leave, I pounced. Kissed him. Several times. For my efforts I received a few closed-mouth kisses in return and lots of hugs. Hugs! Hugs are nice but if I want those I can go visit Fluffy, the golden retriever. At least Fluffy will go horizontal with me. BUT. I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I was sick! Ohhh, he doesn’t want to kiss me when I’m sick, I thought. Kinda lame, but understandable! And OK, so I’m still kind of sick. Maybe that’s why he wouldn’t kiss me last night. Or maybe he’s gay! It’s enough to make me call the LRS, I tell you. Get a l’il action, you know? Anyway, I’m giving MB one more chance. I'm not asking for the Full Monty, mind you. But a little tongue would be would be nice! GalPal #1 suggested maybe he was just “a gentleman.” Yeah, WHATever! A eunuch gentleman, perhaps! In the meantime, I did a Bad Thing. Despite claiming to be “burned out on” and “not into” the personals thing, I went in and refreshed my ad, posting a new and more flattering foto. The e-mails have been flooding in and my ego has been stoked; though of course, there is the inevitable anticipation and disappointment each time I see my suitor's picture (trying not to be superficial, trying not to be superficial.) There does, however, seem to be a crop of fun (if balding) young fellows, and one hunky, alpha-looking snowboarder with all his hair who wants to “rock till the bitter end” and is looking for a “rabid lover,” whatever that is. My guess however, is that, he would put out. Hmmph. | # E-mail Breakup Babe Sunday, October 27, 2002 ( 9:57 AM ) Rebecca So I swore I’d never go to AmbiguityLand again. But, alas. If you’re dating at all, it’s impossible to avoid. Everything is in code; everything is between the lines. If it weren’t, I’d be every boy's worst nightmare. I'd say things to Dr. S. like, “What does it mean when you take three days to respond to my e-mail?!” and “If you’re asking me out for a third time, does that mean we’re going to get married?!” This, however, is why I have girlfriends. They provide free, immediate interpretation of coded messages, which I am too biased to decode, as well as providing deeply cynical commentary and advice. When I wrote a gushy e-mail to them about my second date with Memphis Boy (MB), for example, GalPal#1 wrote back: “MB sounds delightful. But so does a nice hot bath.” Ouch. Anyway, now I’m in a très ambiguous situation with the L’il Rockclimbing Spy (LRS). Remember him? Yeah, I know, SO two weeks ago! Anyway, before I went to the Big Apple, he appeared to be blowing me off. FINE, right? Who needs him and his nice muscles, etc.? But I felt bad, I really did. For about four days. I mean, I’m only human. ™ Then I got over it, and – poof—I let him go as I crossed this great big, star-spangled country on a Xanax high. When I came back, he started calling again. Playing it cool. But obviously still interested. I’m playing it cool too (if you can believe that) and have not grabbed that plastic fly with my gaping jaws. And so far, it's all hi, how are you, and not, why were we so hot, and then NOT, and just what exactly is happening now, which are really the questions on everybody’s mind. You know what, though? I’m FINE with it this time, I really am. Because I have achieved ZEN detachment from the situation. He hurt my feelings, I got over it, and now I don’t really care. That much. It would be nice to see that cute “pouch” underwear and feel that soft skin and…well, you know. But still. Now I’m trying to blow him off. Why get sucked back in? He behaved badly once. And besides, the girlfriends all agree: Let it go. I'm just not good at blowing cute boys off, that's all. But there are plenty of other boys around to take my mind off his nice, uh, personality. MB, for example, who doesn’t exude the same seductive maleness (he says “golly” in every other sentence), but who is a lovely human being. (Can he kiss, though? I still don't know. And does he wear pouch underwear?). Dr. S., of course. We’ll have our third date soon. Maybe in ten years he’ll bust a move. Then, Mountain Man and Hotshot Lawyer Boy, who are still waiting in the wings. Lord only knows what kind of underwear they wear. Makes me tired to think about it. But you know, there is an upside to this whole situation. I get to fall in love again someday. Before a life of diapers and mortgages, or before my heart gets decimated again, I get to experience the giddiness, the lust, the sex-every-night, the oh-my-God thrill you only get with someone new, the utter sense of well-being you get when it's all infatuation and no bitterness. I'm sure there's good stuff after that too. With the diapers and mortagages. It's just that I wouldn't know. | # E-mail Breakup Babe Tuesday, October 22, 2002 ( 9:32 PM ) Rebecca You know I’m sick when I go to the store wearing sandals with striped socks, a purple hat, and a dark blue fleece jacket three sizes too large. Especially because, on principal (and unlike the majority of fashion-impaired Seattleites), I do not wear fleece to parties, fancy restaurants, etc. I wear it for outdoor activities and outdoor activities ONLY. Except of course, when I’m sick. As in-I-must-go-to-the-store-and-get-cold medicine-and-tissues-ASAP sick. As in I-feel-too-disgusting-to even-put on-my-nice-coat-and-brand new-pointy- $200-boots-that-I-just-bought-in-New-York-City sick, so I will go out looking like a complete slob DESPITE the possibility of running into at least one former lover (the sleazy F.) and one potential lover (Hotshot Lawyer Boy) at this earthy-crunchy store. And, since aforementioned store would never carry something as unnatural as Actifed, I wait for 10 minutes while "Jane," the “Personal Care Manager," dispenses advice about vegan multivitamins to some long-haired dude, so I can get her opinion on which natural cold remedy to buy. Well, lemme tell you, there’s a huge difference between homeopathic remedies and herbal remedies, which Jane gladly explains to met in great depth while I stand there sniffling and dripping, wanting nothing more than to get back home and watch "Wet Hot American Summer." Then she sells me a ten dollar bottle of freeze-dried nettles. Yes, nettles. She says it’s the closest thing to Actifed there is in the herbal (not homeopathic!) world, and because I'm too lazy to drive 10 more blocks to Safeway, I buy it. And I feel too disgusting to even talk about sex and dating and boys, if you can believe that. Let’s just say I had a great time on the ex-boyfriend tour of NYC (though I only saw one ex-boyfriend; the other one didn’t deign to show up which really shouldn’t surprise me since he dumped me for that ho’ S.J. at the homecoming dance, who is still as bitchy as she ever was – I mean, grow UP! – and an Internet millionaire to boot, not that I’m bitter), and there was no sex or dating or boys, except for of the platonic sort. And hey, maybe that’s why I had a good time. Now, for the freeze dried nettles. If they don't work and I can't sleep, I might have to call in sick to work tomorrow -- oh no! | # E-mail Breakup Babe Wednesday, October 16, 2002 ( 1:02 PM ) Rebecca Dating Is Not for the Faint of Heart So Why Do I Keep Doing IT?! Well people, let's just say I understand now WHY I didn't put out for the LRS! Because he is blowing me off. Yes, moi. Maybe because I wouldn't put out? Or maybe because I got annoyed with him that we went to a party and he flirted madly with, and got the phone numbers of, every single girl in sight? (Dating, I've rediscovered, is NOT for the faint of heart.) But WHATever (my new mantra)! I don't need the likes of a 23-year old anyway. It's so, like, 11 years ago! And nice muscles aren't everything. Besides, did I mention he had the most humongous nose of anyone I'd ever dated? Plus, there's a much more promising field of stallions chomping at the bit now. For example:
Sunday, October 13, 2002 ( 9:24 PM ) Rebecca Now that things have gotten hot n’ heavy with the L’il Rocklimbing Spy (LRS) – who possesses an irresistible combination of nice muscles, soft lips, and macho swagger -- my chastity is being put to the test. And I’m forced to wonder. Am I being arbitrary when I say I don’t want to go all the way? (Excuse my quaint turns of phrase, but I'm a nice girl at heart.) Why does that one little act that have so much significance even though it is just slighty different (a little tug there, a little pull there, and ohhhh yeah) from all the other stuff you’re doing ? In this libertine age, there seems such an arbitrary line between going all the way and going part way. I have told myself many times in the past that I was not going to have sex with so-and-so, only to have sex with so-and-so because it seemed silly not to after all weren’t we practically doing it anyway? But that’s a load of crap and I’ve always known it. So, in keeping with my new evolved personality, I’ve shown remarkable restraint with LRS. But it ain’t easy. Because after all, I’m only human. ™ I have my needs, you know. And it’s been more than three months since I’ve gotten it nice and reg'lar. That’s too *$@#$! long! Nonetheless, despite pressure from the youngster, I haven’t caved yet and I’m happy about it, dammit. Because once I do, I’m gonna be:
When really, despite his massive potential, he is bright, bold, brash wine that is just not ready to drink (unlike moi, who is in the flower of my ripeness and, uh, drinkability). And, never mind the fact that it would be totally inappropriate for me to do so at this time with this person, I am freakin’ scared to fall in love with someone again! I always thought people who claimed to be “scared” of relationships were full of shit. But that was before I had been cheated on, lied to, and cruelly mistreated by the person I most loved and trusted in the entire world (swelling violins PLEASE!). The question is, seeing that I he is, in fact, oh-so-foxy, and I am, in fact, only human, how long can I hold out? And if I were a guy, would this be easier? | # E-mail Breakup Babe Monday, October 07, 2002 ( 2:25 PM ) Rebecca Newsflash -- War on Iraq Imminent and I'm a Cradle Robber! I found out yesterday that L'il Rockclimber Boy (LRB) is get this 23 years old! Apparently he was "joking" when he told me he was 26. Ha ha. So I guess I'm, uh, seeing, someone eleven years my junior. Eleven years! I mean people, come on, I am not old enough to be dating anyone who is that much younger than me! But according to the girlfriends I've polled today (2), I must dump him right away before getting "sucked in." But..but..but..can I just say in his defense, he is much more smart and together than I was when I was 23 (granted, that's not saying much). But LRB (whose acronym is officially changing to LRS for L'il Rockclimbing Spy, because that's what he does for a living, really), has already had his own business, traveled all over the world, climbed myriad spires and Seattle landmarks, and plays a mean flamenco guitar. This is much more than I can say for Loser, whose biggest aspiration is making sure his toilet is clean and his car expensive enough to impress his coworkers. Then again, my therapist told me that dating someone just because they're different from Loser is a stupid idea. So, whatever, I'm lost on this issue. For the moment. In other news, Dr. S. aka the Dreamboat broke his two week vow of silence and asked me out again. I thought about saying, "Can we just skip dinner and go straight for marriage?" But I refrained.
Anyway, I still haven't figured out if he's a nice guy or not. But I'll know more after tomorrow night, so stay tuned. | # E-mail Breakup Babe Sunday, October 06, 2002 ( 11:49 AM ) Rebecca Once upon a time, a roommate of mine placed a personals ad and received a charming response from a non-native English speaker, which ended in the following way: “P.S. I am a very happy person and do not have much emotional luggage.” Lucky him! There are benefits to staying single into your 30s, like financial independence and sex with lots of different boys. But there are disadvantages too, one of those being that I am now saddled with way too much emotional luggage (none of it matching, I might add). And now, post-Loser, I have a big new piece of ugly-ass luggage (plaid, if you can believe it!). And, if you were to look inside, here are just a few of the items you’d find:
To name just a few. And then there is the question of the rebound. Am I on the rebound? Sexy Boy (SB) claims I am (his “excuse” for not going out with me). But what does it mean to be on the rebound? Is the first relationship post-breakup always a rebound? Does that mean it is by default doomed, and that you just have to get it over with? Three years ago to the month, when I was mourning the breakup of a less serious relationship, over which I got much more depressed (having not yet discovered the wonder drug, *Celexa,* which I recently recommended to so-sad Sour Bob), I fell into a “relationship” with a rock-climbing (what else?) district attorney. And oh. My. Was the sex ever hot. Scorching! But we could not hold a conversation to save our sex-addled lives. This was a guy who was smart, literate, outdoorsy. Everything, on paper, that I look for. And when he walked in the door, my knees – quite literally – got weak. Doing my usual thing, I convinced myself that someday we’d have something to talk about.This had to be more than just scorching sex! Then, after three weeks, he dumped me. I felt bad for a couple days, certain I’d never have sex that scintillating again (I haven't). But then I got over it. And more than that, I got a little more over my ex. Now it’s October again, and my love life seems poised to improve. But the plaid luggage is weighing me down. As I (possibly) sidle into a l’il something with L’il Rockclimber Boy (LRB), who is, by the way SOOO cute, I don’t know where my head’s at. Do I really like him? Is this just a fling? Is this just a rebound? Do I even know that yet? Do I need to figure that out yet? Don’t I need to keep dating? How can I keep dating when I’m kissing someone and enjoying it so much? If I keep dating, do I tell him? Is he seeing anyone else? Is he even going to call today like he said he would? All of a sudden I’m just like the girl in the Offspring song, “I'm seeing this girl and she just might be out of her mind Sorry boys! | # E-mail Breakup Babe Saturday, October 05, 2002 ( 4:06 PM ) Rebecca TOP 5 REASONS I LIKE L’IL ROCKCLIMBER BOYS
| # E-mail Breakup Babe Thursday, October 03, 2002 ( 7:14 PM ) Rebecca Note that you can now "subscribe" to Breakup Babe. I think. Every time I update the site, you'll get notified, if you sign up in that little box thingy in the upper-left-hand corner. Toodles, BB. | # E-mail Breakup Babe ( 9:07 AM ) Rebecca A mere two weeks after placing my personals ad, I have burned out on dating. Yesterday, in fact, I was so burned out, I had to call in sick to work. But it was only my soul that was sick. I went to Yoga, tried to become “indifferent.” When that didn’t work, I bought a gigantic piece of piece of cake, ate it in bed, and then promptly fell asleep for several hours (only to dream of throwing a glass of beer at Loser and missing). The thing is, I have met only two personals boys in person. And the were nice. Sweet! Intelligent! Outdoorsy! I have a knack for meeting high-quality men through the personals. And then not being attracted to them. My problem is, I try to be a friend to the whole wide world. I’ve responded to a mere quarter of the boys who’ve e-mailed me, but still – the correspondence is voluminous. I want to give these boys the benefit of the doubt. But I know how it goes: I schedule them all in for coffee, and then they like me, and I like them, but only in a FRIENDS way, and then I have to tell them, and – It’s exhausting. I know, I know, a couple weeks ago, I was trying to make things happen, since CuteBoyCallBlock was activated on my phone and I didn’t know how to turn it off. But now it’s unblocked. And half the men in Seattle are asking me out! (OK, that's an exaggeration. But I was cruelly cheated on and dumped two months ago, so I gotta brag about something!) Suddenly, I’m juggling the names of a dozen boys in my head, and on top of trying to hold down a job, a clean kitchen, my sanity, and I just can't do it. On top of that, I have to keep their real names and their pseudonyms straight. There’s John (FreeandOpen), who loves Vegas and parties; Craig (Corio), who looks like Johnny Depp and doesn’t believe in “traditional” relationships; Henry (sfboy), who’s coming up for the weekend from S.F. and wants a fling; Brian (SnazzyShoes), who writes children’s plays but is kinda bald, Adam (Arrows andStars), a wine importer with a boyish grin... And that’s just the personals guys. Then there are the ones I’ve met the "natural" way: in smoky bars, through friends, etc. Brad, the blonde mountain climber (ooohh, climbers), David, the politico from Memphis, Jake (aka Li’l Rockclimbing Boy, aka LRB, the 26-year old rockclimbing spy), Dr. S., the glib but good-looking pediatrician (who’s about to drop off the list since he hasn’t called, but ANYWAY)… Even a Gemini like me can only handle this kind of volume for only so long. Once upon a time, in a different single life, I made a spreadsheet for my mom – to detail who was who among the men in my life. Now I need one for myself. But fuck the spreadsheet. I can’t date all these guys; I can’t even be friends with all of them. Much as I hate to hurt feelings, much as I hate to close any doors when the room inside looks the least bit intriguing; if I keep going this way I’m headed for a nervous breakdown. In the immortal words of Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Breakup Babe needs to RELAX! | # E-mail Breakup Babe |